A tiny particle of matter can create a vast quantity of energy, the basis of nuclear power, in particular. E=MC 2 (that energy is linked to mass and the speed of light) on the equation for which he is most famous).On his theory of special relativity (that length and time are not fixed and depend on the observer's frame of reference).On the existence of atoms (the Brownian movement).

On his quantum theory of light (that light is a particle or photon).It was the culmination of years of work, beginning with four groundbreaking papers in 1905:
#Atomic society cant deposit series
In November 1915, Albert Einstein gave a series of lectures on his general theory of relativity at the Royal Prussian Academy of Sciences in Berlin. This talented and fiercely independent mathematician and thinker changed how we see the universe through his theories and vision of physics. Yet, he is recognized as one of the greatest physicists of all time and a genius for many. These results are combined with those reported elsewhere in order to conclude that local icosahedral arrangements cannot serve as a motif for the disorder in amorphous deposits of simple atomic substances, in contrast to the claims of other studies.Albert Einstein was not an inventor in the sense of da Vinci, Bell, or Edison. Nevertheless, for all cases considered here, fewer than 1 in 1000 twelvefold-coordinated atoms possessed an icosahedral arrangement of its neighbors. In another attempt, both liquids were quenched at various densities, which in some cases produced deposits under tension. Here, in an attempt to find circumstances which might favor icosahedral arrangements, one of the liquids was cooled below its vitrification temperature before quenching. That study concluded that local icosahedral coordination in monatomic amorphous substances was rare, in conflict with other reports of abundant icosahedral coordination. In an extension of an earlier study, amorphous deposits were quenched at constant volume from each of two model one-component atomic liquids for a range of densities in which the corresponding crystalline phase is close packed.